May 21, 2010

Favourite Past time | Sex and The City 2 Coming Soon

I realized I haven't been very active in one of my favourite past time which is entering contests. It had been a while since I last won something. All the ups and downs I experienced these past few months had somewhat stunted my winning progress.

I used to go to malls and take all the contest entry forms at the front counter and enter everything I can get my hands on. It became like an obsession actually. Although I had stopped for a while but right now, I'm just trying my luck on contests that has to do with Sex and The City 2. Anybody and everybody who knows me knows how much I love Sex and The City and their wardrobe. Damn. The shoes!

Who loves Sex and The City please raise your hand!

Look at the price tags!
Photo courtesy of

Would you believe that for the latest sequel, they spend nearly USD10 million on the wardrobe alone? TEN MILLION DOLLARS! OMG! And the four girls get to keep some of the clothes! Not to mention shoes!  I wish I was one of them right now! If they ever make a younger version of Sex and The City, I'll make sure I'm the first to audition for the part! I SO can't wait for the sequel to hit the cinemas. 

Oh, and I also can't wait to see this sequel because there's Aidan. Aidan in Abu Dhabi. I always thought Aidan should be the one for Carrie because Mr Big was just so slow in proclaiming his love. He only realized Carrie's the one when she's all the way in Paris and after they had been on and off for like, 5 years! I really want to know what is that "something happened" between Carrie and Aidan in Abu Dhabi and how Mr Big handles it. 

Argh! I can't wait! Please let me win the premiere tickets!


nia said...

sometimes i wish i have the obsession for clothes and shoes like other woman..huhu..

patut la i selekeh..

Razz Momma said...

i saw on E! about that $10 mil and i think they're insane! but oh god the christian dior pink ensemble charlotte wore is just so cute! i bet u'll look good in it! ;) ;) :-D :-D :-P

i just got the idea to give my husband for our anniversary.. i'll probably write "me and you just us two" as well.. oh im so un-romantic! lol

new york new york, i love new york! :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

LV said...

aidan! abu dhabi! =-O =-O =-O =-O =-O =-O =-O =-O

LV said...

of all carrie's guys, i like aidan the most.. esp after he cut his hair it's like woooo hoooo hooooo :-[ :-[ :-[


the russian, not so much.. i hate that jazz guy he's the worst.. or maybe that harry's friend who jackhammered carrie a day before charlotte n harry's wedding is the worst... lol! :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

Bella Enveeus said...

OMG! jackhammered? HAHAHA! Yeah remember him! :-D :-D :-D :-D Never like the russian.. Too short for my liking.. But Aidan, ahhhh he loved her didn't he? Even though she hurt him the first time about that affair but he loved her back right? That was, so perfect.. :-D :-P

Bella Enveeus said...

Aidan! Yeay! I want her to have a ONS or something with Aidan.. Kenakan Big balik.. Balas a long due dendam.. HAHA!

In real life don't do la.. :-P

Bella Enveeus said...

Oh yes they're gorgeous! I love it! The bag too! I don't really like pink but the CD outfit is SO SO SO SO SO SO cute!

*I wanna be a billionaire so freaking bad...* :-D :-D :-D :-D

Cehhh, become a bit more original la weh.. Why you wanna copy from the movie dey?

Bella Enveeus said...

HAHA! Ala, sometimes these things can be pretty trivial and over the top.. Better you don't have the obsession for those. Less headaches and envy to others.. Healthier pockets too! :-P

Razz Momma said...

abu dhabi is super! does that hotel really exist? maybe i shud change my trip :-P

Bella Enveeus said...

Oh like this la ah.. Promise to come here then now wanna cancel trip and go Abu Dhabi instead la ah.. Like this la friend? Ptthhhh!!! :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P

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