I first found this piano piece when the hype on the movie Twilight first started. I read somewhere that this was supposed to be Bella's Lullaby which later was changed to a new composed song by Carter Burwell. So I went scouting all over the net for this song until I found the right one and downloaded the .pdf file. I was so happy, I started practicing this song on my Piano.
It is titled "River Flows In You" by Yiruma. He's Korean by the way.
Actually, at first I wanted to play the song for B-bunz coz I thought the melody was just pretty so I practiced like a maniac. And then, something happen between us and I went into a crazy up and down battle. My feelings was everywhere and when something like that happen, I cannot focus much on my music. My fingers just don't sync. However, recently I've managed to collect myself and find my way back to the black and white keys and so here is the result. My version of "River Flows In You".
You may download this piano sheet here. Hope you enjoy the music as much as I did.
wonderful music doll.. do play more.. u've got the talent
oh n love how ur fingers looked in the video.. long and fair and smooth :-D
hugs and lotsa :*
:* :* :* :* :*
I love watching your fingers glide over the piano keys Bella, you play beautifully.. I am entranced... :* :* :* :*
I wish I could play the piano, u make it look so easy...
Thank you for the piano sheet. I can tell my brother to practice n play like you! ;)
Wow! Nice.. You play so well..
ada one time i suka sgt dengar lagu jazz...eh, ini bukan jazz..hehe..tetibe je.
wow! start nak jeles dah ni sebab awak pandai main piano! huhu teringin nak belajar tapi tu lah, tak berpeluang..jap gi nak tengok semua video yang awak dah wat kat youtube. hopefully banyak lah. suka dengar bunyi piano. :)
lovely.. just lovely babydoll!!
Awwww... Thank you sweetie.. Am glad you liked it! :-D
Tak banyak video pun.. Baru je ada 2.. HAHA! Sedikit malas nak post video sbb upload ngelemer buat sakit hati je.. HAHA!!
Ala, takyah la jealous.. Kalau ada kelapangan, boleh aje ambil class piano, belajar basic2 dulu, lama2 nanti terer la.. Entah2 kalah saya nanti! :-D :-D :)
HAHAHA!! Ni mesti Nia dah penat seharian bekerja ni.. Tu yang tukar topik tu.. :-P Saya kurang suka jazz ni.. Bole kasi tidur.. ZZZzzzzzz :-D :-D :-D
No problem.. Thanks for dropping by. Hope to see a video of your brother playing this piece soon.. Just drop the link here! ;)
Thank you.. So kind of you..
Well, this piece is sorta easy. I don't like playing classical pieces though. Not my genre. Makes me feel like dying.. Those are tough for me.. Plus, I didn't finish until grade 8. I'm just at grade 6. :-P :-P
Awww.. Thank you sweetie.. :-[ :-[ :-[
Thanks dearie.. :*
LONG & FAIR & SMOOTH?? I should try for Fair & Lovely advertisement then. LOL! :-P
Awwww thank you thank you.. Love ya babes! ;)
river flows in you sheet music
I looove this piano piece, Bella!!! HOW I WISH i can play so effortless like you!! I think i was 4-5 yrs old when I first wanted to play the piano.. but my parents couldn't afford it back then.. so I hoped I would grow out of it. My bro taught me how to play guitar when I was 13.. but I still wanted to play the piano.
Dah besar sikit, i dah rasa macam i'm "too old" to learn! :D But I just never lost that interest and NOW when dah betul betul "MA-TUA" baru nak pick up and learn. Still got chance kah ah? hahahaah How long did it take for you to be able to play so well?? Okay don't tell me lest I become discouraged! hahahaah
But yeah, I still wanna take classes! Almost everyday I listen to Jon Schmidt and other classical piano players.. Because I love it so much!! :D It gives me such a happy feeling listening to the piano! It's weird. But I think you know what I mean! :D
Ala sweetie, it's never to late to learn. It might take a bit longer to get used to it, but practice makes perfect! That's how you make your fingers lembut anyways.
For me, since I started from I was 5 and at that time I have no other commitments, I kinda played well pretty soon. But, it took more effort coz my fingers were short back then and I can't reach the pedal. Now only it's easier. But even though I played the piano from young, I still have short fingers (when usually they say fingers akan panjang n slim). HAHA!!
I love listening to classical music but I don't like playing them. Bach kills me. I hate to play classical music coz of the tempo, keys, notations just increase the temperature in my brain. I always dread practicing classical pieces for exams. Coz when exam time, I get so nervous since I know I don't play classical pieces so well and then I'd screw up midway. :'(
Ala, take je class Shem. If you really love the piano, any time is a right time to start. You'll enjoy it. It's unexplainable but I know what you mean about feeling happy listening to the piano! :) ;) :*
wah nice piece...the music mcm emotional sikit...kenapa yea? or was it me?
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