September 30, 2010

ENVEEUS.COM First Contest Is HERE!!

This is a sticky post. Please scroll down for more updates.


Oh yes, I have planned to make my first ever contest for a while now. I love contests, so what's wrong of making my own right? So here it is!

The contest is divided into two parts :
  • For Malaysian bloggers
  • For International (all non-Malaysian) bloggers
    The mechanics of the contest is easy. Since this is my first contest, it is sort of an introductory to my blog. So here is what everyone who wants to participate (both Malaysian and non-Malaysian bloggers alike) have to do :

    Contest Mechanics :
    1. Follow me at Google Friend Connect. 
    2. Write a post about this contest and about ENVEEUS.COM at your blog. Make sure you link "" in your post. Blog post can be either in English or Bahasa Malaysia.
    3. Add me at Facebook or/and Twitter
    4. Once everything is done, please add your blog post permalink at the Malaysian entries (for Malaysian contest entrants) and the International entries (for non-Malaysian contest entrants).
    Prizes :
     Malaysian Bloggers
     International Bloggers 

    First       : RM200 cash
                   One written post dedicated for winner.

     Second : RM150 cash
                   Winner's link placed at the top of my  
                   blog for 15 days.

     Third     : RM80 cash

    First      : USD25 cash
                  10,000 EC credits

    Second : USD15 cash
                   5,000 EC credits

    Third    : USD 10 cash
                  2,500 EC credits

    Special Prizes :
    1. Share this contest on Facebook with your friends or/and Retweet this contest on Twitter to your followers because the HIGHEST referrer will win a one month (30 days) FREE ad space on my sidebar and one written post dedicated to the winner. This Special Prize is for one (1) winner from either the Malaysian or International Bloggers entry. Only open for non-Private Facebook and Twitter accounts.
    2. Most creative blog post will win a SURPRISE prize!

    Contest starts on 18th AUGUST 2010 and will end on 30th SEPTEMBER 2010. Winners will be notified and prizes will be given out by first week of October. Cash prizes will be sent through Maybank2u (for Malaysian winners) and Paypal (for International winners).

    Sponsors :
    Meow Diaries 1,000 EC credits
    Mariuca's Perfume Gallery 1,000 EC credits
    Mariuca 1,000 EC credits
    Unsolved Mysteries In The World 2,312 EC credits

    Please put this badge at your sidebar throughout the contest entry date. Thank you.

    Come and join this contest now! Start blogging everybody!


    Those who knew me knows very well how I despise baby dumpings and all the social issues that had arise lately in this country. Although I get a little awkward around kids (no idea why), I am very protective towards them. Maybe it's the fact that I am the first child in the family and ever since I could remember, I had been very protective over my brothers. 

    B-bunz once told me how he envies the way I am with my brothers. I am a little stern with my brothers but I take care of their well-being most of the time, especially when we go out together. Believe it or not, my brothers are above 21 years old but when they want to hang out to watch movies at the mall or whatever, they always want me to come along. Why? Coz I make sure everything's in order and I'll take care of their needs (food, drinks, etc) all the way. What they do is just walk.

    So yesterday evening, when I opened Yahoo! and read this news - on the Malaysian teenagers who threw a baby in the dumpster right after giving birth to the child - that they're sentenced to jail for their offence, I couldn't be more happy. Serves them right. I think TWO years is just too short a time. What if the baby had died? What if no one saw the girl passing the baby out of the toilet window to her boyfriend who's waiting outside? They should not give lesser sentence because the baby lived. They should give MORE sentence because the baby will have to live for the rest of his/her life knowing what his/her parents had done to him/her. Talk about traumatised for life.

    Anyway, earlier yesterday I was not in a very happy mood. I had waited for hours for someone but to no avail. My blood was boiling then and I just started my car and drove to the Mall. No, I did not shop. I know retail therapy is the best but when you're on limited funds, retail therapy will be I-need-a-therapy session instead. So, I went to the place I will always feel comfortable in, the bookstore - BORDERS.

    As I was reading page by page of a very thick book on Cleopatra, someone from Borders spoke to me and invited me to join this book signing happening right then in Borders. I agreed immediately because I was trying quite unsuccessfully to keep my spirits up the whole time. So, I went to the designated area and sat right at the front row.

    Who is it featured in this book signing? None other than Mary Buffett herself.

    Mary Buffett

    Aha! Who is this Mary Buffett you ask? Well, she's only the former daughter in-law of Mr. Warren Buffett who is also the SECOND richest man in the whole wide world!

    So there I was listening to talks on how to invest smartly not in stock markets but in companies. 

    I loved it. Honestly, I don't read Investment books apart from the book by Azizi Ali. However, Azizi talks about property investments but Mary talks more on the how-to's of investing in companies.

    After the 30 minutes or so talk and Q&A session done, it was the book signing session. Funny, before my turn, Mary spoke vigorously with the others who asked for her signature but when I came to her, she just gave me her cute smile and spoke to me so soft and sweetly, "How are you today dear? What is your name honey?" I felt so loved with that sweet voice. LOL! Right after that, she signed the book for me, took photos with me and even gave an excuse for the problems that my cheap-ass camera was making right then.

    Don't she have the cutest smile ever?

    Now, for you guys reading this, if you want to invest, make sure you know what is it that you're investing in. Do a lot of research because at the end of the day, it is your hard earned money that you'll be investing. Do not trust a broker or remisier 100% because these people trades on short-term trading or investment types. If you ever dream of being as rich as Warren Buffett who gives out $10,000 to each of his children and spouses on Christmas Day, this is what you should do :
    1. Be Humble
    2. Be Hardworking
    3. Be Patience
    4. Can Wait over time
    But of course, work those machines in your brain and study, study, study too!

    I was so happy after the book-signing session until the next glitch came along. Somebody kissed my car. In the closest meaning of the word.

    I Kissed A Girl (sang by the car kissing mine)

    I don't know if I should laugh or cry.

    ♥♥♪♫¸.·´¯`·.¸♡♥♥ First Commenter ♥♥♪♫¸.·´¯`·.¸♡♥♥

    Latest version - Twitter and My Own Story

    Alright, truth is, I have not blogged for quite a while because I was involved with the MySelangorStory tour and there were no stable internet line during those days I was away. However, I know I can't let this go on for another few days because somebody have started nagging at me about updating and wanting to read latest post from me. OK OK, I'm doing this solely coz of you, you know! LOL.

    There are so many things that I want to tell about my experience with MySelangorStory which requires me to do it in six (yup, 6!) different posts - or more, come to think of it - on the fun and fatigue things I did throughout the tour. So, to those who wanted to know what had happened, just hold on a little bit more guys, I need to spice things up a bit so you can feast your curiosity.

    Oh yes, did anyone realize that there's a new version of Twitter? I opened my Twitter this morning and I saw this blue headline at the top written : "Pssst.... the new version of Twitter is here." So, I clicked the yellow box "Try It Now" and this is what I get --->

    Twitter new version layout

    I did not fall in love with it the first time I saw and tried out the options. I encountered a lot of errors but then I suppose you'll come across such problems in a Beta version of an application right? But as time goes by and after getting feedbacks from the users, I'm sure they'll improve version and the options available. Personally, I think the options on the right hand side should be made into a more orderly fashion. Or if the tabs on the top left box is highlighted. All in all, there were not so many changes from the present Twitter interface so I don't have a tough time to work it. I just feel that it needs some more tweaking to allow quicker updates. Still, it doesn't mean something is bad if you don't fall in love with it at first sight, right? 

    Personally, even in relationships, if I fall in love at first sight with someone, I'll fall out of love just as quickly.

    P/S : Oh yes, just a reminder to everybody... Once I've put up posts for my entry on the MySelangorStory - no worries, I'll make sure there's a note to say it's for the contest purposes - I would gladly appreciate votes from all of you and comments too! Hope to get help from all of you out there. Thank you in advance.

    ♥♥♪♫¸.·´¯`·.¸♡♥♥ First Commenter ♥♥♪♫¸.·´¯`·.¸♡♥♥

    September 20, 2010

    The Ten Commandments

    I'm not talking about the movie - though at this moment my parents are watching that movie in our movie room. My father just loves watching this movie, I have no idea why. I think I inherit this love for historical fiction from him. Or, maybe not. LOL! I sometimes wonder why I have this fascinated interest on all periodic histories. I absolutely love the Egypt histories. They totally fascinate me. And to think I detested History lessons back in school.

    I think it must be those hieroglyphs. My brain ticks on those kinda things. 

    Then again, I also love Roman histories, French royal histories, English royal histories and everything that has to do with superb architectural structures. If only I can draw, I would've put all those lines and shadows on canvas (or drawing block) and frame it in my room. 

    Isn't this beautiful?

    But that's not what I'm happy about today. I'm happy because of other things. B-bunz, the bloggers gathering next week and also, the 6 days 5 nights tour within Selangor that will start this Thursday. I have just done a "presentation" to my mom and dad, and since I have all the details at hand, it is easier to explain to them what the tour is all about, who they need to call if they have any inquiries and so much more. Alrighty, one task cleared. 

    So, did I get any commandment from the parents? Luckily I did not. *wipe sweat* Probably because I was able to answer all questions. It's when I don't get to answer the questions that they'll start to look at me curiously, like some specimen under the microscope - yup, I feel you, all the specimens that I put under my microscope - I totally understand how you feel.

    These are the Ten Commandments that I am giving myself today :
    1. Thou shall always make sure to get every minute detail if thou need thou parents' approval.
    2. Thou shall need to get "charged" before said tour.
    3. Thou shall need to get another laptop.
    4. Thou shall make sure to purchase all essential toiletries ASAP.
    5. Thou shall not bring a giant-ass luggage.
    6. Thou shall dig thou piggy-bank.
    7. Thou shall get camera-ready for photography sessions.
    8. Thou shall lend from a hottie an iPod.
    9. Thou shall keep away thou stilettos far far away.
    10. Thou shall only jump with joy when thou is alone.
    I have a confession to make. I just told my parents that every day for the 6-day tour, they can come in my blog to read my posts to see what I have been up to the whole day. Which is why, from this moment henceforth, all posts will have to have "Parental Advisory". Not advisory for me, but on the parents! LOL.

    I think I am high. Please shoot me with a tranquilizer now.

    ♥♥♪♫¸.·´¯`·.¸♡♥♥ First Commenter ♥♥♪♫¸.·´¯`·.¸♡♥♥

    September 18, 2010

    Romeo & Juliet OST | Piano

    OK, this may sound weird but I am playing the song "A Time For Us" from the Romeo & Juliet EST on my Piano because I was feeling sad on the death of my cat. But so what right? In addition to that, it was raining heavily when I played the song so it totally brought my spirit down. I felt like crying. *Sob*

    In loving memory of Baby, my ginger boy.

    Oh, but if you want to dedicate this song to your lover(s) out there, you may do so too. I have no objections. I can be a hopeless romantic sometimes too.
    "See, how she leans her cheek upon her hand! O that I were a glove upon that hand, that I might touch that cheek!" Romeo & Juliet quote (Act II, Sc. II)
    "What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet." Romeo & Juliet quote (Act II, Sc. II) 
    Suddenly I'm remembering a young Leonardo DiCaprio and Claire Danes. Please excuse me, I think I would like to go watch a movie right now.

    P/S : I played this song using easy notes. However, if you would like to download the piano sheet to this song, you may get it here.

     ♥♥♪♫¸.·´¯`·.¸♡♥♥ First Commenter ♥♥♪♫¸.·´¯`·.¸♡♥♥

    My feelings are everywhere

    I don't know what I should feel today actually. Yes, I have finally received the cheque which I won in the F&N Drink Drink Win Win Contest. It had been a fabulous news when I got it two weeks ago. However, receiving it today does not mean much to me. Why?
    1. Because once the cheque is cleared in my account, 70% of it will go to my brother. Yup, I owed him. It doesn't matter. I don't like to owe anyone. Whenever I can pay, I will do it ASAP.
    2. One of our cats died today - Baby. My brother found him in the morning, dead at the front door.
    My dad said it must be poisoning but my brother said it couldn't be because there were lots of blood coming out of his mouth. Although he was already dead for maybe an hour or two when my brother found him, the blood was not dried yet. If he was poisoned, he should be regurgitating some sort of fluid or vomiting but not blood. So my brother conclude that he probably was hit somewhere and he still came home or someone must've hit him in the face or something. I couldn't look at him. I just cry when my brother told me he died. 

    Baby is almost 4 years old. He was a stray kitten when my parents found him - all the way from Bukit Merah Laketown, Perak. He had this short pig-tail and ginger fur. He's a very sweet cat, sometimes he might get on our nerves because he likes to lean on our legs even when we're walking and we would nearly trip because of him but most of the time he's just obedient. And he took out a lot of rats too.

    I don't know what to say. I feel so sad and down. Only yesterday he was doing his regular trying-to-trip-Bella routine when I went to the kitchen to get some food and today, he's gone. I am sad especially knowing that in his pain, probably some time after dawn, he still made it back to his home. We buried him in front of our house, even though some people said it's not good to bury dead animals near your house compound - I do not know why. 

    Baby, you will always be remembered. We LOVE you.

    ♥♥♪♫¸.·´¯`·.¸♡♥♥ First Commenter ♥♥♪♫¸.·´¯`·.¸♡♥♥

    September 17, 2010

    Between Facebook and Twitter

    Do you guys have Facebook or Twitter? Do you have both? Neither?

    I think in this new-age era, it would be surprising if you do not have at least one. Both these social network sites have brought out a new meaning on the quote "world at your fingertips". I mean, you can be connected with someone 10,000 miles away from you and you'll feel as if they're right next to you. You get instant replies and sometimes you might chat with these people more than with your brother or mother that's living in your same house.

    Although I'm not saying that this happens to everybody, but it has turned into a viral phenomenon pretty much overnight. 

    As for myself, I think I am more of a Twitterer than a Facebooker. I hardly leave any status on my Facebook. And now that I have connected my Twitter to my Facebook, then all the updates I make on Twitter will come out on my Facebook wall immediately. Which makes me lazier to get in to Facebook. Still, I'm not living my Facebook dormant. I do love playing the games there.

    Oh, while I was browsing some sites and reading some cute comics, I stumbled upon this one and thought of sharing it with you guys.

    Well, for what it's worth,  I don't think I'd appreciate reading my parents' Facebook status on their "date" and stuffs. So luckily there was no Facebook back then. LOL!!

    ♥♥♪♫¸.·´¯`·.¸♡♥♥ First Commenter ♥♥♪♫¸.·´¯`·.¸♡♥♥

    September 16, 2010

    Able Fingers

    I often wonder how the disabled, especially those with no hands could do things. I'm not here to say inappropriate things, I'm just here self-reflecting on the things that I might sometimes take for granted while some others who are less fortunate would highly appreciate. I've seen certain handcrafts that are intricately designed made by those who are disabled. As a matter of fact, I've bought some of those handcrafts myself, turning them right and left in my fingers, sometimes wondering how they did it. Something so pretty, sold at a fraction of it's price.

    This thought that often lingers in my mind brought me to try a new hobby. 


    I had been buying all these sparkly bracelets and necklaces made of crystals all the time, but never had I tried designing my own, until one day - I stumbled upon a few blogs where they made their own jewelries and I was fascinated. I wondered how it can be done and I started learning by myself, in my room, how to twist this wire and that.

    At first, it really hurt my fingers, but then I remembered, at least, I still have them.

    I continued designing my own jewelries and I even wore them at places where I had to dress up to go to. I enjoyed doing them and now whenever I'm bored, if I don't play the piano, I will bring out my pliers and cutters and start making a earring or bracelet. Sometimes I don't even have a design in my head. I just go with the flow and, voila, something happen.

    If you would like to see some of my jewelries, go to Shop@Enveeus. They're highly affordable too.

    ♥♥♪♫¸.·´¯`·.¸♡♥♥ First Commenter ♥♥♪♫¸.·´¯`·.¸♡♥♥

    My "Belated" Birthday Gift

    My aunt who was in Singapore for Hari Raya arrived in Kajang yesterday morning. She picked up Daisy and have already brought the little cutie back. Then today, she came over early in the day to give me the birthday gift she promised me that she had gotten all the way from Singapore. I wonder what? Hmm..

    And what's in this cute paper bag?

    Yup, it is ESTEE LAUDER White Linen Perfumed Body Powder. 

    Which, as my aunt told me, could not be found in Malaysia. She had called up ALL Estee Lauder counters in every mall in KL and they say they haven't heard of this product. So, she called Estee Lauder counter at CK Tangs Singapore and they said there was only two left because this is a one big hit. Then, she left her details on the phone and she made her sister-in-law get the powder for her on that day itself. Luckily her sister-in-law works at Paragon, which is nearby. And few days ago when she went back Singapore for Hari Raya celebrations, she took this powder from her sister-in-law.

    Do I love it? Of course I do! My aunt had had this same powder since like, 20 years ago. I remembered back then when I was at her house, I'll secretly powder my neck and shoulder area with this powder because it smells so good and it's glittery. LOL! What a perfect combination! But since it's not mine, and a little inappropriate for me to use glittery powder at such a young age, I couldn't take it from her. Yet, she promised me that someday she'll get it for me. I didn't think she would keep her promise. But wow, my aunt's memory is like an elephant! LOL!!

    And to add to my excitement, after we were out for lunch with my parents, aunt and brother, my dad suddenly had one of his rare lets-buy-an-original-DVD time and he bought 4 DVD's. I then took the opportunity to get one additional - none other than, New Moon

    New Moon Special Edition DVD - RM59.90

    OK, I know the movie is not so great but since I already have the Twilight Special Collector's Edition, I can't not have the New Moon Special Edition as well right? Plus, they have this free buttons of Edward, Bella and Jacob, which is pretty irresistible. LOL! It's the same thing with my Harry Potter collection. Although I prefer the first two installments, but I just buy the others for collection. Yup, I'm quite a collector.

    ♥♥♪♫¸.·´¯`·.¸♡♥♥ First Commenter ♥♥♪♫¸.·´¯`·.¸♡♥♥

    September 13, 2010

    My unhappy Hari Raya


    So it have been a few days since we celebrate Hari Raya Aidilfitri. I have been eating non-stop the past few days, I think I have gained at least 5 kilos from all the food I consumed. Luckily I haven't experienced any stomachaches or diarrhea. LOL! 

    Kuah Lontong

    My first day was filled with lontong. I love my mom's lontong. She cooks her Singapore lontong, which is different from the Malaysian type - I have no idea why. I had about 7 big helpings of her lontong that first day itself. However, what pissed me off on that first day was some kids who came by the house to ask for duit raya and kept ringing the bell even though it's already in the evening and when we didn't open the door, they kicked my father's Triton. 

    The thing is, we don't want to let these kids in the house for Hari Raya because a few years ago we had a very bad experience with them. Some of them vandalised our furniture, some stole the little priceless things (such as crystals) that we had on display while some others had the gall to ask for extra duit raya. My dad gives RM10 to each of these kids, whom we do not know and we suspect come from the other housing area. Isn't RM10 enough already? Some people just give RM1 to kids they don't know. Because of that experience, we're very cautious of whom we let in to our house on Hari Raya. And from the looks of it, the parents of those kids who kicked my father's Triton must've forgotten to teach their children on the meaning of Aidilfitri.

    And I also had to care for my aunt's kitten as she's in Singapore for Hari Raya. So, here's the little kitty. Her name's Daisy.

    On the second of Hari Raya, my dad's Jaguar was stolen. And then it's used for a robbery somewhere else.

    WTF right?? 

    My dad left his Jaguar at our other house which have not been installed CCTV or alarm system yet because  he just bought that house. The reason he left the car there is because the garage in our current house is already full. Plus there are more land in the other house. But the thing that made me so grateful was, on that night, my dad told my mom that he wants to sleep over there because he's so tired and sleepy but my mom insisted he comes home because she's worried since there are no grills on the windows, it might not be safe. So they came home but it was almost 2am by then. My parents only left for the other house the next day around noon and when they arrived, they realized that the Jaguar is gone and the house was broken into.

    At almost the same time, at another place somewhere in Kajang, a house was robbed and the robbers used my dad's Jaguar as the getaway car. The neighbours of that unlucky house caught the plate number and did a police report which tallies with my dad's police report and now they're busy looking for my dad's Jaguar.

    I thought it was lucky though - what with gruesome death stories in the news these days - that my dad did not sleep over there that night. God knows what would've happened if he was there by himself. Subhanallah!

    As you can see, it had not been a very fantastic couple of days. Sigh..

    ♥♥♪♫¸.·´¯`·.¸♡♥♥ First Commenter ♥♥♪♫¸.·´¯`·.¸♡♥♥

    September 10, 2010

    Next Destination : SELANGOR

    Selangor Darul Ehsan.

    i-City, Shah Alam.

    Truth be told, although I had been born in Johor, I have lived in Selangor for more than half my life. Yet, I have not explored all 7,956 km2 total area of this state. Now, I'm sure there are many ways to get to the nook and crook of Selangor and learn the hidden secrets of this state, but if we take a long time to do so, it will surely burn the fire down, right? However, learning and exploring this beautiful state is done together  with 29 other selected bloggers, I'm sure it would be an experience of a lifetime!

    I am completely certain I should be that 1 person to complete the total to 30. And the reason I say this, among many others, is because :

    • My for blogging.

    Writing is a passion long instilled in me,
    Flair for expressions, what do you think?
    Putting my thoughts to words so easily,
    One blog post complete - just in a blink.

    • My with my digital camera.

    Naught a care in the world, I snap here and there,
    Getting the best photos and best angle are my main affair,
    Every day is a new lesson, I shall declare,
    With Photoshop at my side, I hereby swear.

    •  My with my video camera.

    There are other things more interesting than still pictures,
    A finite combination of movement, sounds and colours,
    Seeing is believing, none can be deceiving,
    Uploaded for the world to see, is a plus for me! 

    • My in making friends with every one. 

    It brings a warm feeling when we get acquainted,
    Sharing thoughts, ideas and views, nothing is tainted,
    From the 7 continents they come, I welcome them all dearly,
    A virtual handshake is offered, let's get online-friendly.

    • My for adventure.

    My biggest love of all is my love for adventure,
    A surprise or two along the way, a memory to capture,
    Happy moments will always be kept and treasured,
    To be opened in the future, bask in a joy unmeasured.

    I just hope that I can be selected as one of the TOP 30 Bloggers for the MySelangorStory contest and travel within Selangor to explore the hidden treasures of this state as well as sharing it with everyone who visits my blog. It'll be a pleasure to do so as well as a way for me to add my knowledge on Selangor, the state I live in (sorry, I'm a knowledge-hunger girl). Please help VOTE for me you guys!

    ♥♥♪♫¸.·´¯`·.¸♡♥♥ First Commenter ♥♥♪♫¸.·´¯`·.¸♡♥♥

    Wishing everybody a SELAMAT HARI RAYA!

    ENVEEUS.COM,ENVEEUS.COM,Selamat Hari Raya,Selamat Hari Raya


    So fast time flies, don't you think? 28 days of the holy month of Ramadhan have whizzed by and now we're welcoming Syawal with brand new clothes, furnitures, accessories, songs and not to forget, food! After one whole month of fasting and restraining ourselves from sinning, here is the time to celebrate. Although, it should be done moderately. Plus, this also does not mean you can start to sin (again!). LOL!

    Tonight will be a long night for some - last minute cleaning up the house, putting up the new curtains, dusting off the furnitures, cooking the ketupat or lemang, preparing the rendang, packing the pineapple tart or kuih bangkit in the jars and much more. Yes, as I'm typing this, I am also on an errand to keep an eye on the nasi himpit. I am trying not to sleep, but I think I might be more successful in driving with my eyes closed than not  falling asleep.

    Note to self : Must not sleep. Must not sleep. Must not sleep.


    By the way, since I am unable to dedicate this to everybody on Twitter, I would like to take the opportunity here to wish every Muslim in the world a ---->

    Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri & Maaf Zahir Batin!

    ♥♥♪♫¸.·´¯`·.¸♡♥♥ First Commenter ♥♥♪♫¸.·´¯`·.¸♡♥♥

    September 09, 2010

    R.I.P. Rich Cronin

    Rich Cronin

    I wasn't much of a LFO fan but I still remember those days in school when I was crazy over Nick and some other girls were crazy over LFO and particularly, Rich Cronin. He's blond, and in those days, I have a lot of girl friends who are crazy about blond boys. LOL! So sad to hear the news that he had lost the battle to leukemia and passed away September 8, 2010 at the age of 35.


    In 2002, the group LFO broke up to pursue other endeavors. The band was once famous with songs such as "Summer Girls" and "Girl On TV". In 2005, Rich was first diagnosed with acute myelogenous leukemia and soon he started the Cronin Hope Foundation to raise awareness of the disease. It is also to educate the public of donating blood and bone marrow. Then in 2009, the band LFO posted a blog entry indicating that there might be a reunion, which later the song "Summer Of My Life" was released. However, on September the same year, it is announced that they broke up again.

    VH1 also included Rich in it's reality show "Misson : Man Band" which includes other ex-boyband mates such as :
    1. Jeff Timmons (98 Degrees)
    2. Chris Kirkpatrick (N Sync)
    3. Bryan Abrams (Color Me Badd)
    May his soul rest in peace.

    ♥♥♪♫¸.·´¯`·.¸♡♥♥ First Commenter ♥♥♪♫¸.·´¯`·.¸♡♥♥

    September 08, 2010

    Burning the Quran

    A few days ago when I first heard on the radio about this Pastor who wants to burn the Quran on 11th September, I was asking myself, is this true? I didn't think that people would take light such matter, even if it was a hoax. Then, things started getting hotter, more news on this Pastor who is said will seriously do the deed and more negative reactions from the people around - not only the Muslims but also the non-Muslims all over the world.

    Sure, there are also those who supported the idea, which I suppose are also in the same group of people as this Pastor, and just like what Alyssa Milano tweeted, it's the "CRAZY people" group. LOL! Sad, but I wonder why some people find the need to incite anger with things such as this? As a Muslim myself, I can't just keep quiet on this matter. Ignorance on matter such as this will not bring bliss to your life - well, in this case, mine. I like to know about all the goings-on in this world and when issues like this come up, how am I supposed to be happy for Hari Raya Aidilfitri?

    LOVE Alyssa Milano's Tweet! LOL

    So many tweets today that the word "Quran", "Koran" and "Burning" is in the Twitter Top 10 Worldwide Trend. Everything is about this issue and it has become a worldwide issue. 

    If you're just like me, a person who opposes war, racism and fanatics, what is the best way to handle this?

    ♥♥♪♫¸.·´¯`·.¸♡♥♥ First Commenter ♥♥♪♫¸.·´¯`·.¸♡♥♥

    September 05, 2010

    My 100th Post

    This will be a very relaxed post. Nothing serious to talk about. I just can't wait to make my 100th post, that's all. LOL!

    Anyways, in my last post I talk about buying jeans right? Saw on blogthings that even your personality can show by the type of jeans you wear. So what is mine?

    You are a steady and reasonable person. You are never frivolous or flippant.
    You enjoy being modern, but you avoid trends whenever possible. You think trends are often foolish.

    You are comfortable in your own skin, and you don't mind being a little bit different from everyone else.
    You accept yourself for who you are, and because you do, others do too. You are gloriously consistent.

    Honestly, I am very comfortable wearing Straight Leg Jeans than any other. I don't like Bootleg jeans coz it makes me look short and I wasn't confident enough to wear Skinny Jeans before because I fear my ass wouldn't look so appealing. However, I did get one skinny jeans yesterday. I hope I did not make a wrong choice.

    Yes, I am steady and reasonable. I don't get easily influenced. I would listen and ponder the pros and cons before I decide on anything.

    I do enjoy being modern. But not too modern too. I don't forget my roots. However, I like to make my own trend instead of following others. I have my own sense of style.

    I've been called "weird" more than once so it's obvious that people think I'm different from them. Either that or they think I'm a threat. LOL! Well, I don't live to please anyone but myself. So, too bad for them. Plus, did I die from being called "weird"? No. As a matter of fact, I get to a certain level that not many could. So, kids out there, don't ever feel sad or depressed when someone says you're different or weird. It might just be the next best thing.

    Consistent? On a certain subject. But I know I should make myself more consistent on every aspect. I just need more time to be able to get that done!

    ♥♥♪♫¸.·´¯`·.¸♡♥♥ First Commenter ♥♥♪♫¸.·´¯`·.¸♡♥♥

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