March 09, 2011

Happy Birthday to LadyJava!


Dear LJ,

Amazing, is it not, that time has come again, every year without fail to remind you that you're getting older? Yet what is it about age anyway? It is nothing but just a number and as the number grows, it is an indication that the love from the people around you also grow. The years that goes by teaches you how to appreciate life and live it to the fullest. The years too teaches those around you to appreciate you in their lives and to love having you around. As for myself, I would say that it had been a pleasure knowing you this past one year - although it didn't feel that long - even if we only met once. You are a great friend and a fantastic creator in the web department. I hope that today will be filled with lots of laughter, love and happiness to commemorate another year of you becoming wiser and growing into a much better person that you already are now. Wish you all the best and may Allah bless you in everything that you do. Stay young at heart and stay quirky cute! *^_~*

Happy Birthday sweetie!
~Bella and B-bunz.~

Oh yes, a birthday will not be complete without the surprise right? Sorry LJ, I don't have the real one. Is the fake one OK? Hehehe.. Have a fantastic day sweetie!


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